What we do

Our goal is to enrich the school lives of our children at Kings Heath Primary School through projects to support the schools educational and pastoral programmes

Our Mission

We are a charity whose mission is to bring the community of Kings Heath Primary together. We strive to do more than just fundraise and organise events. We want to be the means of communication between parents and the school, to improve the experiences of our children and ensure that parents feel they have a confidential platform for issues, questions and ideas that will meet their needs.

“Many thanks to everyone on the PTFA for their ongoing hard work and commitment to the school. The money you have raised over the years has paid for equipment and projects that simply would not have been possible otherwise, and the children's curriculum experience has been added to greatly as a result. However, that's not the whole picture! The discos, fayres, quizzes, etc, etc, etc. that brought the funds in also have a tremendously positive effect building the school as a community. The fun and excitement of your efforts has an impact long after the event and is a big part of what makes Kings Heath Primary special.”

— Paul Clabon (Deputy Head Teacher)

Our work has included:

  • Secured funding for a new library.

  • Provided new ipads for tech based learning.

  • Provided technology for families to use so they could access online learning during the pandemic. 

  • Provided visualiser technology for classrooms classrooms.

  • Funded a Multi Purpose Games Area for the playground. 

  • Funded an Outdoor classroom for playground.

  • Campaigned against cuts to funding including a demonstration outside number 10.

  • Trained a teacher and parent for the Mindfulness in Schools Project

  • Funded Technics Lego for KS2.

“You can see how the PTFA has benefited the children every time you walk into the playground or around the classroom. From amazing social events that bring us all together, to purchasing a brand new multi-purpose sports area, classroom games and new equipment, the school is a better place, and the children are more engaged and, most importantly, having more fun as a result.”

— KHPS Parent