
We are currently recruiting for September 2024:


The Events co-ordinator of the PTFA has responsibilities including:

☀️ pulling together a calendar of events for the year to be shared with the school community

☀️ ⁠ensuring each event has a sub committee/lead person and they have a plan for the event

☀️ liaising with the Comms lead to send out all relevant comms

☀️ ⁠responding to emails in the ptfa inbox relating to events or connecting them to the relevant person

☀️ ⁠attending committee meetings and working with other members of the ptfa

☀️ ⁠liaising with school to confirm dates of events in school calendar and hall/room availability for set up

☀️ ⁠supporting new volunteers who may want to run a new event

☀️ making sure there is a class WhatsApp rep for each class to send out PTFA events comms.


Being Chair involves;

☀️ Chairing the PTFA's meetings every half term, supported by the Secretary, Treasurer and other committee members

 ☀️ Making sure that our responsibilities as a Registered Charity are carried out

☀️ Submitting an Annual Report 

☀️ Confirming election of Committee members

☀️ Chairing our annual AGM at school

☀️ Managing PTFA bank account with Treasurer.

We would love to hear from anyone interested in taking over these roles by emailing us at helpkhps@gmail.com 

☀️ Please note that a full handover will be provided from the parents currently in those roles and full support will be offered from everyone else. This is a wonderful time to get involved with the PTFA as we have exciting plans for the school, fundraising and building our community. We need you, so come and chat to us to see how you can help. ✨️


If a regular commitment is not possible for you, there are so many ways you can get involved with helping the school that don’t have to be time consuming! Parents can offer anything from their super-power painting skills to spruce up the playground, green fingered magic to help the borders bloom or get their market trader voice in action and sell raffle tickets at an event!

We have set out some of the ways you can get involved below but, if you have your own idea about an event you would like to organise or way in which you could help then just get in touch and we will support in whatever way we can.

  • Event organisers - tell us what to do!

  • Event set up and clear down team - the serious stage hands.

  • Raffle prize collectors - gift of the gab?

  • Playground Spruce up team members - those who yield brushes, varnish and paint.

  • Gardening team members - blooming marvellous.

  • Event helpers - running a stall, face painting, tattoo or henna, game operators, tea makers, star bakers!

  • Graphic Designers for posters and flyers - creative cools.

  • Political campaigners - could you rally us for a rally?

  • Those with Grant application experience - form filling fabulousness.

  • Language translators - can you help us connect?

  • Performers - could you run an adult class, pub quiz, be Santa or his elf?! Fame but without the money.

  • Entertainers - can you dance, play, mix, magic? Dazzle us please!

  • Events First Aid - rarely needed but oh so helpful!

  • Website administrator - no specific experience needed, just some imagination!